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Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy 

Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy 

Name of Organisation: KTF SOC C.I.C

Contact Person: Rachael Mitchell

Date: 1st March 2023

Date modified: Mar-23

Next Review: then every 3 years, OR, in the following circumstances: Changes in legislation and/ Government guidance. As required by the Local Safeguarding Children Board, UK Sport and/ Home Country Sport Council 

As a result of any significant change or event.


KTF SOC C.I.C has adopted these safeguarding children and adults at risk policy and expects every adult working or helping at KTF SOC C.I.C to support it and comply with it. So, this policy shall apply to all staff, volunteers, or anyone working on behalf of KTF SOC C.IC.

Purpose of the Policy

This policy is intended to protect children and adults who receive any service from KTF SOC C.I.C, including those who are the children of adults who may receive services from us. A child is defined as a person under the age of 18.

As an organisation we believe that no child or adult at risk should experience abuse or harm and we at KTF SOC C.I.C are committed to the protection of children and adult at risk. This policy is intended to provide guidance and overarching principles to those who represent us as staff or volunteers, to guide our approach to child and adult at risk protection and safeguarding.

Child and adult at risk abuse is any action by another person adult or child that causes significant harm to a child or adult at risk. There are four main types of abuse:

1.Physical Abuse

This includes being hit, kicked, shaken or punched, or given harmful drugs or alcohol.

2.Emotional Abuse

This includes being called names all the time, being threatened or being shouted at or made to feel small.

3.Sexual Abuse

This includes being touched in a way you don't like by an adult or child, being forced to have sex, being made to look at sexual pictures or videos, being sexually exploited.


Is when a child or adult at risk is not looked after properly, including having no place to stay, or not enough food to eat, or clothes to keep them warm. It also includes if the child or adult at risk is not given medical care when they need it, including medication.

Recognising Risk

It is not possible to identify all risks to children and adults at risk within the Thai Boxing and fitness gym environment, however, below is a list of issues which KTF SOC C.I.C is concerned to identify and eradicate.


Bullying can be physical, emotional or verbal. It can take place anywhere and may involve a child bullying another child or an adult displaying bullying behaviours. Bullying can cause considerable stress to children and adults at risk, in some cases affecting their health and development. Bullying in Thai boxing and fitness gym may consist members being pushed too hard by their coaches or parents, a child being intimidated or discriminated by others, physical abuse or threats or bullying via social media.

Inappropriate Training

This is a form of abuse and involves any activity in which an adult force’s or encourages physical training at a level which is too intense and fatiguing for a child or adult at risk. In Thai boxing and fitness gym this can take many forms including too frequent, hard competitive sparring, endurance or stamina training; such as over-long runs, or distance runs at a pace that causes extreme fatigue and distress. There is the risk of over exertion during gym work, which could involve appropriate levels of training in excess of a child’s or adult at risk natural capacity, or with a frequency that is inappropriate for their age and physical development.


It is tempting to lavish praise and attention on children or adults at risk who appear to be developing quickly and showing talent. It is wrong however to do this in a way that undermines other children and adults at risk in the group or makes anyone feel inferior. It is important to give proportionate attention to all children and adults at risk under the control and supervision of an adult.

Mismatching Opponents

Guidance within the rules for the matching of children and adults at risk is extensive. It should be noted that such infringements of these rules can on many occasions constitute abuse and shall be dealt with under this policy and through discipline procedures.

Placing Unrealistic Expectations of Success on a Child or Adults at risk

Each child or adult at risk has their natural ability which can be developed by training and coaching. However, any adult with responsibility in this area should be aware of their limitations and be realistic about the goals that a child should be set.

Children and Adults with Disabilities

Studies suggest children with disabilities are at increased risk of abuse. Various factors contribute to this, such as; stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, isolation and a powerlessness to protect themselves or adequately communicate that abuse has occurred.

Drugs and Doping

Exposure of a child and adults at risk to drug taking or doping is a serious abuse and a significant safeguarding issue. By ‘exposure’ we do not mean to limit the problem to use, administration or trafficking in drugs but to include any situation where, through neglect by an adult, a child or adult at risk comes into contact with any drug taking or doping practice, or is subjected to influence or pressure to participate in drug taking or doping, or sees or experiences ‘recreational’ drug use. This risk to children and adults at risk is insidious and vigilance is required to identify children and adults at risk.

Video and Film

The filming/photography of children and adults at risk must be controlled and only carried out for a proper purpose and with the correct authority. Such activity should never be carried out within changing rooms, even under permission. 

Where photographic material is used for our social media platforms and websites, consent must be first obtained by the guardian of that child.

Video recording is acknowledged as a legitimate coaching aid. However, if it is to be used, you should ensure that written guardian consent has been obtained. Such films must be stored securely and handed to the guardian or destroyed once their use is no longer justified.

The over-riding principle is that any behaviour that threatens the welfare of a child or adult at risk is prohibited and requires reporting and possible action. The participation in the sport and fitness should be enjoyable and safe. Any behaviour that affects these goals amounts to a safeguarding issue. 

As well as identifying and eliminating safeguarding threats arising from a child’s or adult’s at-risk participation in the sport, all responsible adults should be aware of indicators of abuse that may be taking place away from the sport, for instance at home or school. 

Whistle Blowing

Any concerns for the welfare of any child or adult at risk arising from the abuse or harassment by a coach, volunteer or child should be reported immediately. The welfare of the person must always be of paramount importance and, you should ensure someone takes immediate steps to remove the child or adult at risk from a position of harm or potential harm.

If as a member of staff, a coach or other volunteer, you become aware that a member of staff, a coach or other volunteer has or may abuse a child or adult at risk, you MUST inform an appropriate person, in confidence if necessary.

All information received and discussed will be treated in confidence and only shared with those individuals within KTF SOC C.I.Cwho will be able to manage and resolve the situation. In urgent and serious case, you MUST contact the police, the social care services or the NSPCC. All these agencies are experienced in such matters and you can be confident that the concerns will be addressed in a professional way.

Confidentiality and Information Sharing

Confidentiality should be paramount when dealing with safeguarding matters. Every effort will be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained for all concerned. Information should be handled and disseminated on a need to know basis.

The management of confidential information is an important element of the work of KTF SOC C.I.C. Such information should be handled in a professional, sensitive and respectful way.

Disclosure of information should be on a ‘need to know’ basis and delivered in a sensitive and careful way.

No guarantees of confidentiality can be made as the welfare of the child supersedes all other considerations.

Anonymous complaints while notoriously difficult to deal should not be ignored. Regardless of whether such complaints refer to a member of KTF SOC C.I.C (either victim or accused) the matter must be reported to a responsible adult. This type of allegation should be addressed immediately and confidentially and dealt with appropriately if abuse or poor practice is discovered.

Statement of Intent 

KTF SOC C.I.C acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard the welfare of young children and adults. The policy aims to ensure that regardless of age, ability, gender, race, religion, belief, or sexual orientation all people that come into our care and take part in our activities have a positive experience in a safe environment and will not suffer from abuse while taking part in or outside any of the activities. 

It will be achieved by: 

• Prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children, adults and staff who work directly with us or on our behalf 

• Having safe recruitment procedures for paid and non-paid team members to help identify those who might pose a risk to children or adults 

• Making sure that all staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities and to be vigilant to signs of abuse and refer to concerns to an appropriate adult within the organisation using correct procedures 

• Making sure third-party organisations who work with us adhere to policies and procedures and are committed to protecting children and adults from harm 

• Making sure that the right actions are taken if incidents or concerns of abuse occur and supporting the individuals who raise the concern 

• Ensuring that confidential records and concerns that have been raised are maintained and securely stored 

• Making sure that all participants and parents are informed of the policy procedures

The organisations lead officer will take all concerns of abuse very seriously. All members that work directly or in directly that work with us will have access to our policies and procedures so they can be referred to the relevant authority. 

The safeguarding policy will be promoted to all members of our organisation and failure to comply with the policy and procedure could result in dismissal. 

Date: March 2023

Signed by: Rachael Mitchell


The following list a few websites and contact telephone numbers which may be useful: 

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 

NSPCC Helpline 0121 227 7577 

146 Hagley Road 




Tel: 0800 1111


Advice can be obtained by telephoning the NSPCC helpline on 0800 800 5000

Safeguarding: Text


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